Excel for Marketing Managers

(Dana P.) #1
Probability with Coins or Dice

w/ Coins
or Dice

  1. In cell B10, type in the word: Total

  2. As you did for the Coin Toss, you need to give Excel a temporary number
    while you type in the next formulas. Go to cell B2, and type in a 7.

  3. Enter and copy down the die face counting formula.

a. In cell C4, enter the following formula: =IF($B$2=1,C4+1,C4)
Press Enter. The $ designation makes the B2 cell an absolute reference
that will not change as you copy this formula.

b. Click on cell C4, and then left-click on the fill handle in the lower right
corner and pull down to cell C9 to copy the formula into these cells. All
of these cells should contain zeroes.

  1. Now, one cell at a time, edit each formula using this procedure:

a. Click on the cell C5, then press F2 to edit the contents. This can be done
within the cell, or at the top of the page in the Formula bar. Move your
cursor, which now looks like an I-beam, just to the left of the equals
sign that follows $B$2. Delete the number one (1) that follows the equal
sign, and replace it with a two (2). Press Enter.

b. Make the same changes to each formula in Column C by changing the
number after $B$2= from a 1 to the number that is directly to the left in
Column B.

Figure 219
Copying the formula down results in zeroes
in all of the cells
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