Excel for Marketing Managers

(Dana P.) #1
Probability with Coins or Dice

w/ Coins
or Dice

the Odd count remains the same. A simple IF statement when the results are
the same would work. Again, assuming the same cell locations as above, with
the Odd count in F4, the formula would be:

You can also change Roll the Die to Roll the Dice by adding another
RANDBETWEEN formula for the second die. You would also need to change
the table of outcomes to include the numbers 2 through 12. If the
RANDBETWEEN formulas were in cells B1 and D1 and the table of results
was in column E, a generalized formula would look like this:
=IF(B1+D1=n, Er+1,Er)
where n is the total on the two dice, and Er is the cell where that total is tal-
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