Excel for Marketing Managers

(Dana P.) #1

Printing Grid Paper

Grid Paper

Printing Grid Paper


You need some grid paper for math class or for mapping or for art class. You
realize that you have run out of grid paper in your supply cabinet. The school
doesn’t have any. Or – you have grid paper with five squares per inch, but you
need grid paper with two squares per inch for your younger students.

Solution and Overview

By its nature, Excel is the world’s largest sheet of grid paper. With 256
columns and 65,536 rows, it is fairly easy to convert a blank Excel spreadsheet
into a printed sheet of grid paper.

Creating the Solution

The main problem is that Excel’s cells are rectangular instead of square. This
is fairly easy to resolve.

  1. Adjust the row height.
    Open a blank Excel worksheet. To the left of cell A1 is a gray box with the
    row number 1 in it. Below the number for row 1 is another gray box with
    the number 2 in it.

a. Hover your mouse pointer over the line between the gray 1 and the gray

  1. When your mouse is in the right position, the mouse pointer will
    change to a horizontal line with arrows pointing up and down as shown

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