Excel for Marketing Managers

(Dana P.) #1
Printing Grid Paper

Grid Paper

If your students are drawing a floor plan of their room, you might want
the gridlines to be barely visible. A thin dotted line might be the most
appropriate. If the students are plotting points on an XY coordinate,
you might want solid lines throughout.

b. Set the line color.
The Color dropdown offers 56 colors. If your classroom has a laser
printer capable of printing only black, then one of the three gray options
might be appropriate for printing lighter lines.

c. Draw the lines.
Once you have selected a color and a line weight, it is time to draw the
lines. Although the Border section would let you draw any combination
of lines, in this case it is easiest to use the Presets section.

i. Clicking the preset for Inside will draw borders between all cells
in your selection. It will draw a vertical border between column
A and column B. It will draw vertical borders between B and C,
C and D, D and E, and so on. Similarly, it will draw horizontal
borders between rows one and two, rows two and three, rows
three and four, rows four and five, and so forth.

Figure 45
Color dropdown menu
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