Excel for Marketing Managers

(Dana P.) #1
Math Exercise Sheets


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The addition and multiplication problems above are fairly straightforward.
Those of you who want to delve a little deeper will enjoy these exercises to
create more complex worksheets.

Subtracting with Two-Digits Without Regrouping

This is one of the more difficult worksheets to create.

  1. Enter the formula for the first term.
    The formula for the top number is fairly straightforward. You want a two-
    digit number between 10 and 99 so use the following formula and enter it
    in cell B2 as shown below: =RANDBETWEEN(10,99)

  2. Enter the formula for the second term.
    The bottom number is far more complex. You need the digit in the ones po-
    sition to be between 0 and the digit in the ones position of the number in

a. To find the digit in the ones position, use the following formula:
The MOD function is a Modulo function. It basically returns the Re-
mainder after dividing the second argument into the first argument.
Thus, the formula to find the first digit of the second term is as follows:

Figure 94
Using RANDBETWEEN to determine the first
Term in a subtraction problem
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