Excel for Marketing Managers

(Dana P.) #1

Math Exercise Sheets


b. Next, you have to figure out a formula for the tens position of the sec-
ond number. You want this number to be between 1 and the digit in the
tens position of the first number. To find the number in the tens posi-
tion of B2, use the following formula: =INT(B2/10)
The INT function will calculate 77 divided by 10, drop the fractional
portion, and just return the whole integer. The formula for the tens po-
sition is as follows: =RANDBETWEEN(1,INT(B2/10))

c. To put these two formulas together, you have to multiply the second
formula by 10 and add it to the first formula, as shown below. Enter the
following formula in B3:

Figure 95 shows a portion of a page full of these problems.

Expressing Problems That Go Across the Page

For variety, you might sometimes wish to build problems that read across the
page. This is possible with Excel but requires a bit of trickery.

Figure 96 shows a worksheet with several pairs of =RANDBETWEEN(1,20)
formulas in columns A and B.

Figure 95
Worksheet with randomized subtraction problems
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