Excel for Marketing Managers

(Dana P.) #1

Homework Checker


Excel Details................................................................................................................................

  1. Add an answer cell.
    You can modify the worksheet used above to be less direct. In the figure
    below, the students are presented with new directions. They are to enter
    the terms of the multiplication problem in the yellow boxes and their an-
    swer in the green box. Set up a green box in cell F6. Remove the formula in
    F6 by typing a number in the cell.

The goal now is to build a formula in B8 that will check to see if the answer
is wrong or correct. Excel offers the IF function. There are three arguments
to the IF function.
¾ The first argument is some logical test. In this case, you will check
to see if B6*D6 is equal to the answer typed in F6.
¾ The second argument is the text or formula to use if the logical test
is true.
¾ The third argument is the text or formula to use if the logical test is


If the second or third argument contains a formula, you can leave off the opening
equals sign. If these arguments contain text, the text must be in double quotes.

Figure 113
Replacing a formula with a number
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