Excel for Marketing Managers

(Dana P.) #1
Homework Checker


  1. Enter the resulting IF formula as follows: =IF(B6*D6=F6,”Right!”,”Try again.”

a. If the students enter a wrong answer, cell B8 will advise them to try

b. If they enter the correct answer, cell B8 will advise them that it is cor-

Adding Color Based on a Result

You can jazz up the worksheet a little bit. Back in Excel 97, Microsoft added
something called Conditional Formatting. Conditional formatting allows you to
change the formatting of a cell or group of cells based on conditions that you
set. In this case, you will change the cell color.

  1. Initiate conditional formatting.
    Select cell B8. From the menu, choose Format → Conditional Formatting.
    The Conditional Formatting dialog initially looks like Figure 117. There are
    a couple of adjustments required to set up the formatting.

Figure 114
IF formula will inform students whether or
not their answer is correct

Figure 115
“Try Again” response to an incorrect answer

Figure 116
“Right!” response to a correct answer
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