Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1


Copyright © 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing:

d.Because older adults have more experience
with their environment, they are less
vulnerable to falls.
5.Which of the following statements concerning
fires is accurate?
a.Most people who die in house fires do not
die from burns, but from smoke inhalation.
b.Most home fires are started by the use of
c.Most fatal home fires occur while people
are awake.
d.Fire is the major safety problem in hospitals
and the leading cause of accidental death
for the elderly at home.
6.Mrs. Nix, age 86, was admitted to the hospital
in a confused and dehydrated state. After she
got out of bed and fell, restraints were applied.
She began to fight and was rapidly becoming
exhausted. She has black-and-blue marks on
her wrists from the restraints. Which of the
following would be the most appropriate nurs-
ing intervention for Mrs. Nix?
a.Sedate her with sleeping pills and leave the
restraints on.
b.Take the restraints off and stay with her
and talk gently to her.
c.Leave the restraints on and talk with her,
explaining that she must calm down.
d.Talk with Mrs. Nix’s family about taking
her home because she is out of control.
7.Which of the following would be an alternative
to the use of restraints for ensuring patient
safety and preventing falls?
a.Involve family members in the patient’s
b.Allow the patient to use the bathroom
c.Keep the patient sedated with tranquilizers.
d.Maintain a high bed position so the patient
will not attempt to get out unassisted.

Multiple Response Questions
Circle the letters that correspond to the best
answers for each question.
1.Which of the following statements accurately
describe factors affecting safety in the general
population? (Select all that apply.)

a.OSHA has determined that younger
construction workers are at particular risk
for sustaining a fatal injury owing to their
b.According to Pillitteri, ribavirin, used for
respiratory infections in infants and
children, may be harmful to a developing
c.Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs from expo-
sure to toxins in the environment.
d.Certain environments have proved to be
more hazardous than others and may
expose residents to potentially unhealthy
e.Any limitation in mobility is potentially
f.Stressful situations are more devastating to
young adults because they typically have
less adaptive and coping capacity.
2.Which of the following statements reflect con-
siderations a nurse should keep in mind when
assessing a patient for safety? (Select all that
a.A person with a history of falls is likely to
fall again.
b.Some people are more prone to have
accidents than others.
c.Fires are responsible for most hospital
d.Between 15% and 25% of falls result in
fractures or soft tissue injury.
e.A medication regimen that includes diuret-
ics or analgesics places an individual at risk
for falls.
f.A nurse whose behavior is reasonable and
prudent and similar to what would be
expected of another nurse in a similar
circumstance is still likely to be found liable if
a patient falls, especially if an injury results.
3.Which of the following statements accurately
describe symptoms produced by a bioterrorism
agent? (Select all that apply.)
a.Inhalation anthrax produces fever, fatigue,
cough, dyspnea, and pain; the patient’s
condition may progress to meningitis, sep-
ticemia, shock, and death.
b.Symptoms of the plague (“black death”)
include a characteristic rash that progresses
to crusted scabs in 5 days.

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