Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1
8.If a nurse is preparing medication for a
patient and is called away to an emergency,
which of the following should he/she do?
a.Have another nurse guard the prepara-
b.Put the medications back in the containers.
c.Have another nurse finish preparing and
administering the medications.
d.Lock the medications in a room and finish
them when he/she returns.
9.Before administering a drug to a patient, the
nurse should identify the patient by doing
which of the following?
a.Call the patient by name.
b.Check the patient’s ID bracelet.
c.Check the patient’s record.
d.Check the patient’s name with family or
significant others.
10.Which means of drug administration would
be used in an emergency to achieve rapid
absorption and quicker results?
11.Which of the following sites is recommended
for adults as a safe site for the majority of
intramuscular injections?
a.Vastus lateralis site
b.Deltoid muscle site
c.Ventrogluteal site
d.Dorsogluteal site
12.Mrs. Harris is a 78-year-old woman admitted
to your unit after experiencing symptoms of
stroke. When administering the medication
prescribed for her, the nurse should be aware
that this patient has an increased possibility
of drug toxicity due to which of the
following age-related factors?
a.Decreased adipose tissue and increased
total body fluid in proportion to total
body mass
b.Increased number of protein-binding sites
c.Increased kidney function, resulting in ex-
cessive filtration and excretion
d.Decline in liver function and production of
enzymes needed for drug metabolism

13.To convert 0.8 grams to milligrams, the nurse
should do which of the following?
a.Move the decimal point 2 places to the
b.Move the decimal point 3 places to the
c.Move the decimal point 2 places to the
d.Move the decimal point 3 places to the
14.Mr. Downs is given a dose of gentamicin and
has an immediate reaction of hypotension,
bronchospasms, and rapid, thready pulse.
Which of the following would be the drugs
of choice for this situation?
a.Antibiotic, antihistamines, and Isuprel
b.Bronchodilators, antihistamines, and
c.Epinephrine, antihistamines, and bron-
d.Antihistamines, vasodilators, and bron-
15.Mrs. Banks has an order for Chloromycetin,
500 mg every 6 hours. The drug comes in
250-mg capsules. Which of the following
would be the correct dosage?
a.1 tab
b.2 tabs
c.3 tabs
d.4 tabs
16.An oral medication has been ordered for Mr.
Moran, who has a nasogastric tube in place.
Which of the following nursing activities
would increase the safety of medication
a.Check the tube placement before adminis-
b.Have Mr. Moran swallow the pills around
the tube.
c.Flush the tube with 30 to 40 mL saline
before medication administration.
d.Bring the liquids to room temperature
before administration.
17.When giving an intramuscular injection
using the Z-track technique, the nurse should
use which of the following techniques?
a.Use a needle at least 1 inch long.
b.Apply pressure to the injection site.


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