Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1
c.Inject the medication quickly, and steadily
withdraw the needle.
d.Do not massage the site because it may
cause irritation.

Multiple Response Questions
Circle the letters that correspond to the best
answers for each question.
1.Which of the following statements accurately
describe the influence of specific factors on the
absorption of a drug? (Select all that apply.)
a.Injected medications are usually absorbed
more rapidly than oral medications.
b.Liquid preparations have to be dissolved in
the gastrointestinal fluids.
c.The unionized form of drugs is absorbed
more readily.
d.Acidic drugs are well absorbed in the
e.Food in the stomach always delays the
absorption of medications.
f.A trough level is the point when a drug is at
its highest concentration.
2.Which of the following statements accurately
describe an adverse drug effect? (Select all that
a.A drug allergy is always manifested
immediately after the patient receives
the medication.
b.An anaphylactic reaction is a life-threaten-
ing immediate reaction to a drug that
results in respiratory distress, sudden severe
bronchospasm, and cardiovascular collapse.
c.Drug tolerance occurs when the body can-
not metabolize one dose of a drug before
another dose is administered.
d.A cumulative effect occurs when the body
becomes accustomed to a particular drug
over a period of time.
e.An idiosyncratic effect is any abnormal or
peculiar response to a drug that may mani-
fest itself by over response, under response,
or a response different from the expected
f.An antagonistic effect occurs when the
combined effect of two or more drugs
acting simultaneously produces an effect
that is less than that of each drug alone.

3.Which of the following is a type of order that
a physician might write? (Select all that apply.)
a.A standing order to be carried out as speci-
fied until canceled by another order
b.A prn order for pain medication
c.A single order to be carried out only once at
a specified time
d.A stat order to be carried out at a predeter-
mined later date
e.A double order to increase the dosage of the
medication being administered
f.A floating order to administer medication
as needed
4.Which of the following factors should a nurse
consider when administering medications to
an older adult? (Select all that apply.)
a.An increased number of protein-binding sites
b.An increased difficulty with the penetration
of fat-soluble drugs
c.Altered peripheral venous tone
d.A decline in liver function
e.A decline in enzyme production needed for
drug metabolism
f.An increased gastric emptying time
5.Which of the following actions would a nurse
be expected to perform when instilling
eyedrops correctly? (Select all that apply.)
a.Wash hands and put on gloves.
b.Clean the eyelids and eyelashes of any
drainage with cotton balls soaked in clean
c.Tilt the patient’s head back slightly if sitting
or place the head on a pillow if lying down.
d.Have the patient look up and focus on
something on the ceiling.
e.Place the thumb near the margin of the
lower eyelid and exert pressure upward over
the bony prominence of the cheek.
f.Squeeze the container and allow the
prescribed number of drops to fall into
the cornea.
6.Which of the following actions would a nurse
be expected to perform when instilling
eardrops correctly? (Select all that apply.)
a.Make sure the solution to be instilled is at
room temperature.
b.Clean the external ear with cotton balls
moistened with normal saline solution.


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