Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1
6.When caring for the skin of patients of differ-
ent age groups, which of the following should
the nurse consider?
a.An infant’s skin and mucous membranes
are protected from infection by a natural
b.Secretions from skin glands are at their
maximum from age 3 on.
c.The skin becomes thicker and more leathery
with aging and is prone to wrinkles and
d.An adolescent’s skin ordinarily has enlarged
sebaceous glands and increased glandular

Multiple Response Questions
Circle the letters that correspond to the best
answers for each question.
1.Which of the following actions are appropriate
steps when making an unoccupied bed? (Select
all that apply.)
a.First, adjust the bed to the high position
and drop the side rails.
b.Fold reusable linens on the bed in fourths
and hang them over a clean chair.
c.Snugly roll the soiled linens into the bottom
sheet and place on the floor next to the bed.
d.Place the bottom sheet with its center fold
in the center of the bed and place the draw-
sheet with its center fold in the center of
the bed.
e.Tuck the bottom sheets securely under the
head of the mattress, forming a corner
according to agency policy.
f.Place the pillow at the head of the bed with
the closed end facing toward the window.
2.Which of the following statements accurately
describe appropriate environmental care for a
hospitalized patient? (Select all that apply.)
a.Patients should not store their personal
items in the bedside stand because nurses
need to open and close the stand to obtain
bath basin, lotion, and other items.
b.Patient beds should be positioned at the
appropriate height with the wheels
c.Principles of surgical asepsis should be
followed at the bedside.

d.Soiled dressings or anything with a strong
odor should not be placed in the waste
receptacle in the patient’s room.
e.In general, room temperature should be
between 20and 23C (68and 74F).
f.Nurses should avoid carrying out conversa-
tions immediately outside the patient’s
3.Which of the following statements accurately
describe findings that may be made when
performing a physical assessment of the oral
cavity? (Select all that apply.)
a.Caries may exist in the teeth, resulting
from the failure to remove plaque.
b.Gingivitis may be present involving the
alveolar tissues.
c.Hard deposits called tartar may be found on
the teeth if plaque is allowed to build up.
d.Stomatitis may be noted as an inflammation
of the tongue.
e.Cheilosis may present as reddened fissures
at the angles of the mouth.
f.Oral malignancies may be present in the
form of a dry oral mucosa.
4.Which of the following are recommended
guidelines when performing oral care? (Select
all that apply.)
a.Use a hard toothbrush to remove plaque
from the teeth.
b.Ideally, brush teeth immediately after
eating or drinking.
c.Never clean the tongue with a toothbrush.
d.If desired, use an automatic toothbrush to
remove debris and plaque from teeth.
e.Never use water-spray units to assist with
oral hygiene.
f.If desired, use salt and sodium bicarbonate
as cleaning agents for short-term use.
5.Which of the following are appropriate
nursing measures when caring for a patient’s
eyes and ears? (Select all that apply.)
a.Clean the eye from the inner canthus to
the outer canthus using a wet, warm wash-
cloth; cotton ball; or compress.
b.Use artificial tear solution or normal saline
twice a day when the blink reflex is
decreased or absent.


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