Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1
c.The pain is a real experience for the patient.
d.The patient is experiencing central pain
7.The fact that a person can tolerate a higher
temperature as water is gradually heated than
if the hand had been plunged into hot water
without any preparation can be explained by
which of the following theories?
a.Threshold of pain theory
b.Adaptation theory
c.Gate control theory
d.Regulation by neuromodulators
8.Which of the following means of pain
control can be generally explained on the
basis of the gate control theory?
9.Aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen are
examples of which of the following types of
pharmaceutical agents that relieve pain?
c.Nonopioid analgesics
d.Adjuvant drugs
10.A patient complains of severe pain following
a mastectomy. A good choice of analgesic for
this patient would be which of the following?
11.A p.r.n. drug regimen is an effective means of
administering pain medication in which of
the following cases?
a.A patient experiencing acute pain
b.A patient in the early postoperative period
c.A patient experiencing chronic pain
d.A patient in the postoperative stage with
occasional pain
12.Your patient is experiencing acute pain
following the amputation of a limb. Which
of the following nursing interventions should
you keep in mind when treating this patient?

a.Treat the pain only as it occurs to prevent
drug addiction.
b.Encourage the use of nondrug complemen-
tary therapies as adjuncts to the medical
c.Increase and decrease the serum level of
the analgesic as needed.
d.Do not provide analgesia if there is any
doubt about the likelihood of pain occur-
13.Which of the following groups of opioids are
produced at neural synapses at various points
in the CNS pathway and are powerful pain-
blocking chemicals?
14.When assessing a patient for pain, the nurse
should consider which of the following facts
about pain?
a.Patients frequently complain about pain
that is not there to get attention.
b.People with pain should be taught to have
a high tolerance for pain.
c.All real pain has an identifiable, physical
d.Having an emotional reaction to pain
does not mean the pain is a result of an
emotional problem.
15.Three days after surgery, Mrs. Dodds contin-
ues to have moderate to severe incisional
pain. According to the gate control theory,
the nurse should do which of the following?
a.Administer pain medications in smaller
doses but more frequently.
b.Decrease external stimuli in the room dur-
ing painful episodes.
c.Reposition Mrs. Dodds and gently massage
her back.
d.Advise Mrs. Dodds that she should try to
sleep following administration of pain
16.When treating a young boy who is in pain
but cannot vocalize this pain, which of the
following measures should the nurse employ?
a.Ignore the boy’s pain if he is not complain-
ing about it.


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