Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1



Use the following expanded scenario from
Chapter 35 in your textbook to answer the
questions below.
Scenario:Carla Potter is a 26-year-old white
woman. She experiences “bad cramps” and
periodic fatigue, anxiety, irritability, and mood
swings approximately 1 week before the start of
her menses. She told the nurse practitioner that
her job as a computer programmer is stressful
and these monthly symptoms are affecting her
job performance and relationships. She asks the
nurse if there is anything available to control
these symptoms.
1.What nursing interventions might the
nurse use to help minimize the effects of
premenstrual syndrome on Ms. Potter?

2.What would be a successful outcome for this

3.What intellectual, technical, interpersonal,
and/or ethical/legal competencies are most
likely to bring about the desired outcome?

4.What resources might be helpful for Ms. Potter?


Read the following case study and use your
nursing process skills to answer the questions
Scenario:Tabitha Wilson is a 24-month-old
infant with AIDS who is hospitalized with

infectious diarrhea. She is well known to the
pediatric staff, and there is real concern that
she might not pull through this admission.
She has suffered many of the complications of
AIDS and is no stranger to pain. At present,
the skin on her buttocks is raw and excoriated,
and tears stream down her face whenever she
is moved. Her blood pressure also shoots up
when she is touched. The severity of her
illness has left her extremely weak and listless,
and her foster mother reports that she no
longer recognizes her child. When alone in
her crib, she seldom moves, and she moans
softly. Several nurses have expressed great frus-
tration caring for Tabitha because they find it
hard to perform even simple nursing measures
like turning, diapering, and weighing her when
they see how much pain these procedures
1.Identify pertinent patient data by placing a
single underline beneath the objective data in
the case study and a double underline beneath
the subjective data.
2.Complete the Nursing Process Worksheet on
page 232 to develop a three-part diagnostic
statement and related plan of care for this
3.Write down the patient and personal nursing
strengths you hope to draw on as you assist
this patient to better health.
Patient strengths:

Personal strengths:

4.Pretend that you are performing a nursing
assessment of this patient after the plan of
care is implemented. Document your findings.


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