Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1

  1. These flow from the ideal self, the self
    one wants to be or thinks one should be

  2. The mental image or picture of self

  3. The assessment of how well I like myself
    Match the examples of risk factors for self-
    concept disturbances in Part B with the factors
    listed in Part A. Some answers may be used
    more than once.
    PART A
    a.Personal identity disturbances
    b.Body image disturbances
    c.Self-esteem disturbances
    d.Altered role performance
    PART B
    8. A 55-year-old executive is laid off from
    his job due to cutbacks
    9. A 45-year-old woman undergoes a radi-
    cal mastectomy

  4. A 30-year-old woman finds herself in a
    relationship with an abusive husband

  5. An exchange student from France
    attends high school in America to learn
    a new language and customs

  6. A new mother discovers she is terrified
    of taking care of her newborn son on
    her own

  7. An 11-year-old girl starts menstruating
    and developing earlier than her peers

  8. A 65-year-old retired lawyer regrets that
    he was unable to become a judge as he
    had always dreamed of doing

  9. An athlete loses his pitching arm to

  10. A 38-year-old woman who is recently
    divorced is lost without her husband

1.What measures could you, as a nurse, employ
to promote self-esteem in older adults?

2.Reflect on your personal self-concept and
how it affects the way you live your life.
Keeping this in mind, answer the following
a.Who am I?

b.Who or what do I want to be?

c. How well do I like me?

3.Give an example of a question you might
use to assess a patient for the following


c. Virtue:


4.Give an example of how each of the following
factors might influence an individual’s self-
a.Developmental considerations:


c. Internal and external resources:

d.History of success or failure:


f. Aging, illness, or trauma:


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