Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1
8.When physiologic mechanisms within the
body respond to internal changes to maintain
an essential balance, which of the following
processes has occurred?
d.Fight-or-flight response
9.You respond to an approaching examination
with a rapidly beating heart and shaking
hands. This is the result of what type of
a.Coping mechanism
b.Stress adaptation
c.Defense mechanism
d.Withdrawal behavior
10.Which of the following phrases best
illustrates the panic level of anxiety?
a.Loss of control and rational thought
b.Increased alertness and motivated learning
c.Narrow focus on specific detail
d.Narrow perception field
11.When nurses become overwhelmed in their
jobs and develop symptoms of anxiety and
stress, they are experiencing which of the
following conditions?
a.Culture shock
b.Adaptation syndrome
c.Ineffective coping
12.Which of the following best illustrates a gen-
eral task for a patient adapting to acute and
chronic illness?
a.Maintain self-esteem
b.Handle pain
c.Carry out medical treatment
d.Confront family problems
13.Which of the following is the most common
response to stress?


Multiple Response Questions
Circle the letters that correspond to the best
answers for each question.
1.Which of the following statements accurately
describe the four levels of anxiety? (Select all
that apply.)
a.Moderate anxiety is present in day-to-day
living, and it increases alertness and percep-
tual fields.
b.Although mild anxiety may interfere with
sleep, it also facilitates problem solving.
c.Mild anxiety is manifested by a quivering
voice, tremors, increased muscle tension,
and a slight increase in respirations and
d.Severe anxiety creates a very narrow focus
on specific detail, causing all behavior to be
geared toward getting relief.
e.Severe anxiety causes a person to lose con-
trol and experience dread and terror.
f.During the panic stage, the person cannot
learn, concentrates only on the present sit-
uation, and often experiences feelings of
impending doom.
2.Which of the following statements accurately
describe the body’s defense mechanisms
against stressors? (Select all that apply.)
a.Withdrawal behavior involves physical
withdrawal from the threat or emotional
reactions such as admitting defeat, becom-
ing apathetic, or feeling guilty and isolated.
b.Defense mechanisms are conscious reactions
to stressors.
c.Displacement occurs when a person refuses
to acknowledge the presence of a condition
that is disturbing.
d.Projection occurs when a person’s thoughts
or impulses are attributed to another
e.Repression occurs when a person involun-
tarily excludes an anxiety-producing event
from conscious awareness.
f.Reaction formation occurs when a person
tries to give questionable behavior a logical
or socially acceptable explanation.


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