Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1
abnormal in some way to even think like this.
There’s a lot of sexual activity in the dorms,
and no one even thinks you’re serious if you
talk about virginity positively. What do you
think? Did my mom sell me a bill of goods? Is
it true that if you take the proper precautions,
no one gets hurt and everyone has a good
time?” Tony reports that he is a virgin and that
he really misses his close family back home: “I
do get lonely at times and would love to just
cuddle with someone or even give and get a big
hug, but no one seems to understand this.”
1.Identify pertinent patient data by placing a
single underline beneath the objective data in
the patient care study and a double underline
beneath the subjective data.
2.Complete the Nursing Process Worksheet on
page 319 to develop a three-part diagnostic
statement and related plan of care for this

3.Write down the patient and personal nursing
strengths you hope to draw upon as you assist
this patient to better health.
Patient strengths:

Personal strengths:

4.Pretend that you are performing a nursing
assessment of this patient after the plan
of care is implemented. Document your


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