Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1
3.What intellectual, technical, interpersonal, and/or
ethical/legal competencies are most likely to bring
about the desired outcome?
Intellectual: ability to integrate ethical principles
and use an ethical framework and decision-making
process to resolve ethical problems
Technical: ability to integrate ethical agency to
provide the technical nursing assistance necessary
to meet the needs of Mr. Raines
Interpersonal: ability to advocate for patients whose
values may be different from personal ones
Ethical/Legal: ability to identify and develop the
essential elements of ethical agency, cultivate the
virtues of nursing, and understand ethical theories
that dictate and justify professional conduct
4.What resources might be helpful for Mr. Raines?
Social services, counseling services, government assis-
tance, community services, drug assistance programs


1.c 2.b 3.a 4.c 5.d
6.b 7.c 8.a 9.c 10.d
Multiple Response Questions
1.a, d, e, f
2.b, e, f
3.c, d, e
4.a, c, e
5.c, d, e, f
6.a, c, d
7.b, d, f
8.a, c, e
Prioritization Question


1.Sample answers:
a.Failure to ensure patient safety: Update knowl-
edge on patient safety and new interventions
to prevent and reduce injury.
b.Improper treatment or performance of
treatment: Use proper techniques when perform-
ing procedures and follow agency procedures.
c. Failure to monitor and report: Follow physician
orders regarding monitoring of patient unless
changes in the patient’s condition necessitate a
change in the frequency of monitoring; report
need for change to physician.
d.Medication errors and reactions: Listen to
patient’s objections regarding medication and
investigate patient concerns before
administering the medication.
e.Failure to follow agency procedure: Advise the
appropriate person of procedures that need to be
f. Equipment misuse: Learn how to operate equip-
ment in a safe and appropriate manner. Never
operate equipment with which you are unfamiliar.
g.Adverse incidents: Do not assume, voice, or
record any blame for an incident.
h.Improper use of infection control techniques:
Know and follow agency policies and procedures
for the care of patients with infectious disease.

  1. a.Voluntary standards: Developed and
    implemented by the nursing profession itself;
    not mandatory; used for peer review. Example:
    professional nursing organizations.
    b.Legal standards: developed by legislative action;
    implemented by authority granted by the state (or
    province) to determine minimum standards for
    the education of nurses, set requirements for licen-
    sure or registration, and decide when to revoke or
    suspend nurse’s licenses. Example: licensure.

  2. a.For each specialized diagnostic procedure
    b.For experimentation involving patients
    c. On admission for routine treatment
    d.For medical or surgical treatment
    4.Sample answers:
    a.Talking with patients in rooms that are not
    b.Pressing the patient for information not
    necessary for care planning
    c. Using tape recorders, dictating machines,
    computer banks, and so on without taking
    precautions to ensure patient confidentiality

  3. a.Solid educational background
    b.Understanding of the legal aspects of nursing
    and malpractice liability
    c. Knowledge of the state (or province) Nurse Prac-
    tice Act and standard of nursing care where the
    incident occurred
    6.A contract must contain real consent of the parties,
    a valid consideration, a lawful purpose, competent
    parties, and the form required by law.

Copyright © 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing:


beghdca f

2.Nurse Practice Act
4.Expert witness
5.Collective bargaining
7.Sentinel event
1.g 2.e 3.a 4.c 5.h
6.f 7.b 8.i 9.i 10.h
11.a 12.l 13.c 14.d 15.k
16.b 17.f 18.g 19.j 20.c
21.g 22.a 23.b 24.d 25.e

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