Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1
Copyright © 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing:


Body System Effects of Exercise Effects of Immobility
Cardiovascular cEfficiency of heart cCardiac workload
TResting heart rate and blood pressure cRisk for orthostatic hypotension
cBlood flow and oxygenation of all body parts cRisk for venous thrombosis

Respiratory cDepth of respiration TDepth of respiration
cRespiratory rate TRate of respiration
cGas exchange at alveolar level Pooling of secretions
cRate of carbon dioxide excretion Impaired gas exchange

Gastrointestinal cAppetite Disturbance in appetite
cIntestinal tone Altered protein metabolism
Altered digestion and utilization
of nutrients

Urinary cBlood flow to kidneys cUrinary stasis
cEfficiency in maintaining fluid and cRisk for renal calculi
acid–base balance TBladder muscle tone
cEfficiency in excreting body wastes

Musculoskeletal cMuscle efficiency TMuscle size, tone, and strength
cCoordination TJoint mobility, flexibility
cEfficiency of nerve impulse transmission Bone demineralization
TEndurance, stability
cRisk for contracture formation

Metabolic cEfficiency of metabolic system cRisk for electrolyte imbalance
cEfficiency of body temperature regulation Altered exchange of nutrients
and gases

Integumentary Improved tone, color, and turgor, resulting cRisk for skin breakdown and
from improved circulation formation of decubitus ulcers

Psychological Well-Being Energy, vitality, general well-being cSense of powerlessness
Improved sleep TSelf-concept
Improved appearance TSocial interaction
Improved self-concept TSensory stimulation
Positive health behaviors Altered sleep–wake pattern
cRisk for depression


1.See table below.

  1. a.Motion
    b.Maintenance of posture
    c. Heat production

  2. a.Point of origin: Attachment of a muscle to the
    more stationary bone
    b.Point of insertion: Attachment of a muscle to
    the more movable bone

  3. a.The afferent nervous system conveys informa-
    tion from receptors in the periphery of the
    body to the central nervous system.

b.Nerve cells called neurons are responsible for
conducting impulses from one part of the body
to another.
c. This information is processed by the central
nervous system, and a response is decided on.
d.The efferent system conveys the desired
response from the CNS to skeletal muscles by
way of the somatic nervous system.

  1. a.Body alignment or posture: The alignment of
    body parts that permits optimal musculoskeletal

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