Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1


1.Sample answer:
Nurses interacting with older adults need to take
simple measures such as addressing older patients
respectfully, communicating that you take their
concerns seriously, noticing and affirming their
personal strengths, and interacting with them as
2.Answers will vary with student’s experiences.
3.Sample answers:
a.Significance: Do you feel loved and appreciated
by the key people in your life?
b.Competence: Does anything interfere with your
ability to do your life work?
c. Virtue: How would you describe your ability to
follow your moral code?
d.Power: Do you feel you are in control of your
4.Sample answers:
a.Developmental considerations: A teenager
needs to be trusted and guided to make good
choices that affect his/her life.
b.Culture: As a child internalizes the values of
parents and peers, culture begins to influence
his/her sense of self.
c. Internal and external resources: The amount of
money a person earns may influence his/her
d.History of success or failure: A child who
repeatedly fails in school may have difficulty
succeeding in life.
e.Stressors: Self-concept determines the way a
person perceives stressors in his/her life and
reacts to them.
f. Aging, illness, or trauma: A paralyzing injury
will most likely affect self-concept.
5.Sample answers:
a.Dispel the myth that it is necessary to know all
there is to know about nursing to be a good
nurse: Nurses must accept the fact that they
must constantly learn new theories and proce-
dures to keep up with medicine.
b.Realistically evaluate strengths and weaknesses:
A periodic review of a nurse’s skills, strengths,
and weaknesses should be built into the
c. Accentuate the positive: Nurses should not
dwell on one mistake they may have made but
should recall what they did right and learn
from their mistakes.
d.Develop a conscious plan for changing
weaknesses into strengths: If a nurse has weak
technical skills in one area, he/she should focus
on this area and strengthen his/her knowledge
and competency through research, study, and
e.Work to develop team self-esteem: Congratulate
colleagues and celebrate when the nursing team
is successful.

f. Actively demonstrate your commitment to
nursing and concern about the nursing profes-
sion’s public image: Nurses should be aware of
their impact on society, and the image they
project should be positive.
6.Answers will vary with student’s experiences.
7.Sample answers:
a.Personal identity: How would you describe
yourself to others?
b.Patient strengths: What special talents and abil-
ities do you have?
c. Body image: What are your positive physical
d.Self-esteem: What do you like most about your-
e.Role performance: What major roles describe
8.Sample answers:
a.Diagnosis: Anxiety related to unwelcome
change in body image (mastectomy)
Patient goal: Patient will express satisfaction
with ability to live with altered body image.
b.Diagnosis: Anxiety related to inability to accept
or manage new role
Patient goal: Patient reports feeling less anxious
about being pregnant.
c. Diagnosis: Altered Health Maintenance related
to low self-esteem and inability to cope with
Patient goal: Patient will acknowledge his own
self-worth and express a desire to take care of
himself despite his grief.
d.Diagnosis: Knowledge Deficit: how to help
child develop self-esteem, related to lack of
experience with parenting
Patient goal: Patient will describe methods of
developing self-esteem in children.
e.Diagnosis: High Risk for Violence, domestic
abuse, related to low self-esteem and sense of
Patient goal: Patient will verbalize that she is
liked and deserves to live without fear of abuse.
f. Diagnosis: Altered Sexuality Patterns related to
changed body image, disturbance in self-
Patient goal: Patient will describe self
realistically, identifying strengths that make her
desirable to husband

  1. a.Encourage patients to identify their strengths.
    b.Notice and reinforce patient strengths.
    c. Encourage patients to will for themselves the
    strengths they desire and to try them on.

  2. a.Using looks, touch, and speech to communicate
    b.Speaking respectfully to the patient and
    addressing the patient by preferred name
    c. Moving the patient’s body respectfully if the
    patient cannot move on his/her own

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