Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1


Copyright © 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing:

Prioritization Question
1.Place the following actions performed by a
nurse during a patient interview in the order in
which they would most likely occur. Keep in
mind the four distinct phases of the interview
process: preparatory phase, introduction, work-
ing phase, and termination.
a.The nurse gathers all the information
needed to form the subjective database.
b.The nurse prepares to meet the patient by
reading current and past records and reports.
c.The nurse recapitulates the interview, high-
lighting the key points.
d.The nurse initiates the interview by stating
his or her name, identifying the purpose of
the interview, and clarifying the roles of the
nurse and patient.
e.The nurse ensures that the environment in
which the interview is to be conducted is
private and relaxed.
f.The nurse assesses the patient’s comfort
and ability to participate in the interview.

6.When the nurse compares the current status of
a patient to the initial assessment performed
during the admitting process, he/she is
performing a(n) type of
7.Most schools of nursing and healthcare insti-
tutions establish the specific information that
must be collected from every patient in a
structured assessment form. This information
is known as a(n).

Match the term in Part A with the definition in
Part B.
b.Focused assessment
d.Health assessment
e.Nursing history
f.Objective data
g.Physical assessment
h.Subjective data
k.Time-lapsed assessments

  1. Observable and measurable information
    that can be seen, heard, or felt by some-
    one other than the person experiencing

  2. The conscious and deliberate use of the
    five physical senses to gather information

  3. Clearly identifies patient strengths and
    weaknesses, health risks, and potential
    and existing health problems

  4. A planned communication to obtain
    patient data

  5. The examination of a patient for objec-
    tive data that may better define the
    patient’s condition and help the nurse
    in planning care

  6. The act of confirming or verifying data

  7. Compares a patient’s current status to
    baseline data obtained earlier


1.The primary source of patient data is the
patient, but two other sources of patient data
are and.
2.The type of nursing assessment that is
performed during the nurse’s initial contact
with the patient and involves collecting data
about all aspects of the patient’s health is
called the.
3.When a nurse confirms or verifies the data col-
lected upon assessment to keep it free of error,
bias, or misinterpretation, he/she is performing
the act of.
4.When a nurse asks a patient how having a
newborn at home will affect her lifestyle, she
is asking a(n) type of a question.
5.A nurse who gathers data about a newly diag-
nosed case of hypertension in a 52-year-old
African American patient is performing a(n)
type of assessment.

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