Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1


Copyright © 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing:

c.Performing an initial assessment of the
d.Developing patient outcomes and goals
e.Measuring how well the patient has
achieved patient goals
f.Collecting a database to enable an effective
plan of care
2.Which of the following are goals of the
research behind the Nursing Outcomes Classi-
fications (NOCs)? (Select all that apply.)
a.To identify, label, and validate nursing-
sensitive patient outcomes and indicators
b.To teach decision making
c.To ensure appropriate reimbursement for
nursing services
d.To communicate nursing to non-nurses
e.To evaluate the validity and usefulness of
the classification in clinical field testing
f.To define and test measurement procedures
for the outcomes and indicators
3.Which of the following are advantages of hav-
ing standard Nursing Interventions Classifica-
tions (NIC)? (Select all that apply.)
a.Limiting the amount of reimbursement
allowed for nursing services.
b.Teaching decision making
c.Allocating nursing resources
d.Allowing the use of multiple systems of
e.Developing information systems
f.Communicating nursing to non-nurses
4.Which of the following are listed in the ANA’s
Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practicefor Stan-
dard 5: Implementation? (Select all that apply.)
a.The nurse demonstrates quality by
documenting the application of the
nursing process in a responsible,
accountable, and ethical manner.
b.The nurse incorporates new knowledge to
initiate changes in nursing practice if the
desired outcomes are not achieved.
c.The nurse develops expected outcomes that
provide direction for the continuity of care.
d.The nurse documents implementation and
any modifications, including changes or
omissions, of the identified plan.
e.The nurse utilizes community resources
and systems to implement the plan.

f.The nurse utilizes evidence-based interven-
tions and treatments specific to the diagno-
sis or problem.


1.When a nurse administers medications that
were prescribed by the patient’s doctor, he/she
is carrying out a(n) intervention.

  1. are written plans that detail the
    nursing activities to be executed in specific

  2. are interventions targeted to pro-
    mote and preserve the health of populations.
    4.A(n) intervention is a treatment
    performed away from the patient but on
    behalf of a patient or group of patients.
    5.McCloskey and Bulechek published a report of
    research to construct a taxonomy of nursing
    interventions known as
    6.Interventions that are performed jointly by
    nurses and other members of the healthcare
    team are known as

Match the examples in Part B with the types of
nursing interventions listed in Part A. Answers
may be used more than once.
a.Nurse-initiated independent intervention
b.Physician-initiated dependent intervention
c.Collaborative interdependent intervention

  1. A nurse notices that her patient is
    extremely anxious before surgery and rec-
    ommends psychiatric evaluation by the
    psychiatric nurse specialist.

  2. A nurse administers the prescribed dosage
    of pain medication for a patient recover-
    ing from knee surgery.

  3. A nurse teaches the daughter of a patient
    who has leg ulcers how to apply the

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