Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1
c.Quality assurance programs ensure survival
of the profession.
d.Quality as opportunity focuses on finding
deficient workers and removing them.
e.In the quality-by-inspection system,
mistakes are viewed not as being caused by
a lack of motivation or effort, but rather as
a result of a problem in the system.
f.The ANA model of quality assurance directs
attention to three essential components of
quality care: structure, process, and outcome.
6.Which of the following are major premises of
quality improvement? (Select all that apply.)
a.Focus on organizational mission
b.Sporadic improvement
c.Healthcare worker orientation
d.Leadership commitment
e.Not crossing boundaries
f.Focus on process


1.During the evaluation step of the nursing
process, based on the patient’s responses
to the plan of care, the nurse decides to
, , or
the plan of care.
2.Nurses are involved in many types of
evaluations, but the is always
the nurse’s primary concern.
3.The most important act of evaluation
performed by nurses is evaluating
with the patient.

  1. are measurable qualities, attrib-
    utes, or characteristics that specify skills,
    knowledge, or health states.

  2. are the levels of performance
    accepted and expected by the nursing staff or
    other healthcare team members established by
    authority, custom, or consent.

  3. are recommendations for how
    care should be managed in specific diseases,
    problems, or situations.
    7.Specially designed programs that promote
    excellence in nursing are called.
    8. evaluation or audit focuses on
    the environment in which care is provided.
    9.When a healthcare worker evaluates nursing
    care by reviewing patient records to assess the
    outcomes of nursing care or the process by
    which these outcomes were achieved, he/she
    is conducting a(n).

Match the term in Part A with the correct
definition listed in Part B.
a.Concurrent evaluation
b.Retrospective evaluation
c.Outcome evaluation
d.Process evaluation
e.Structure evaluation
f.Introspective evaluation

  1. An evaluation that focuses on the
    environment in which care is provided

  2. An evaluation that focuses on measurable
    changes in the health status of the patient

  3. An evaluation of nursing care and patient
    goals while the patient is receiving the

  4. An evaluation that focuses on the nature
    and sequence of activities carried out by the
    nurse implementing the nursing process

  5. An evaluation to collect data after
    Match the measurement tool in Part A with its
    appropriate example in Part B. Answers may be
    used more than once.
    PART A
    PART B
    6. Patient will be able to walk the length of
    the hall by 5/15/12.
    7. The admission database will be
    completed on all patients within 24
    hours of admission to the unit.
    8. All patients in active labor will have con-
    tinuous external fetal heart monitoring.


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