NLP SECRETS: Upgrade Your Mind

(coco) #1

During Hypnosis

  • Use positive words and sentence structure.

  • Avoid using negative words, so rather than saying “You can’t feel your legs” say “Your legs are

  • If the person gets uncomfortable, ask them if they want to wake up out of the trance. If they do
    not answer, take them out of their trance.

  • If a person in unresponsive to leaving the trance, touch them on the arm as you give a command.
    If you touch their arm as you say anything, it will add gravity to your statement.

Leaving the Hypnotic State

It is very simple to get someone out of a hypnotic trance:

Now it’s time to come back. Return to the door with the stairs. You’re going to walk back up the ten
stairs back into normality.

When you wake you will feel very refreshed from having been in such a relaxed state. One, you start
feeling your body again. Two, starting to wake up now. Three, energy is rushing into your muscles.

Four, you are feeling rejuvenated. Five, more energy, six, waking up now. Seven, you’re feeling so re-
freshed you’ll just run up the last three steps eight nine ten wide awake!

It is a good idea to ask your subject for feedback so you can make improvements to your own hypno-
sis skill. The more times you hypnotise someone, the better you get. Don’t worry if you can’t get it to
work on your first try. Keep working at it and soon you’ll be able to get the hang of what works and
what doesn’t.

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