NLP SECRETS: Upgrade Your Mind

(coco) #1

How to Tell When Someone is Lying

Being both an accomplished liar and lie detector is something a lot of people want to know how to do.
Learning how to tell if someone is lying is difficult, but learning how to lie convincing is more difficult.

Lying is never a clear case - there are certainly powerful indicators but no 100% foolproof methods -
which is why there are no true lie detectors usable in a court of law. But with a bit of practice, you can
easily become the next best thing.

The Telltale Signs of a Lie

Lying and deception require different brain processes than telling the truth. When you’re telling the
truth, you usually find a memory associated with the true answer and replay it with your vocal chords.
However, when you’re lying, you not only need to process the truth and withhold it, your brain needs
to do a whole host of extra processes:

  1. The frontal lobe cautions you that you do not want to reveal the truth.

  2. Your mind makes up the alternative answer (the lie) or sometimes recalls a false memory (if you
    have already planned the lie).

  3. You need to concentrate on some level to deliver the lie without appearing deceptive.

  4. You need to gauge the reaction of the listener to see whether they believe it.

  5. Usually you then try to change the subject or use body language to deter the person from pursuing
    that line of questioning.

None of these processes occur when telling the truth. And naturally, with all these extra processes,
parts of them start to show on the surface. When we learn to read these signs, we can tell when
someone is lying.

Facial Signals That Reveal When Someone May Be Lying

Have a look at these two pictures. The one on the left
is a perfectly straight face. The one on the right is the
Lie Face. Look at it carefully, and practise pulling the
face in the mirror a few times. Go on, do it now, I’ll
save your place.

It’s important to recognise the Lie Face, and parts thereof. Obviously the pictures above are quite ex-
aggerated, but I’ve made it like that so that you can easily see the signs:

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