Losing Weight with NLP
Automatic weight loss cannot be achieved with NLP. But NLP can
help you change your eating habits so that you can more easily lose
What if celery tasted like chocolate? What if ice cream tasted dis-
gusting and no longer appealed to you? What if going for a run felt
better than going to the pub? How easy would it be to lose weight
Ice cream is delicious, right? How can it possibly become unappeal-
ing? The truth is, right now, the pros of ice cream just outweigh the
cons in your mind. So you have to concentrate on the cons:
Think about that fatty aftertaste it leaves in your mouth. See that fatty aftertaste
as a visible, irremovable film that sticks like glue to your mouth. Picture the cold,
hard sugars rotting away at your teeth until they become painful and brown. Visu-
alise the fat globules seeping through your insides, oozing their way through your
blood vessels and adding themselves into heaving, pale yellow piles of fat under
your skin. Imagine the sound of all the saturated animal fats congealing into a
sickly putty and clogging up your arteries. How do you imagine that processed fat
smells once it’s stripped of its artificial flavours and sugars?
How does that ice cream sound now?
Read that paragraph again out loud if you need to. The more vividly you imagine
these things, the better they will work. For added effect, read this out with a plate
of ice cream is sitting in front of you. Take one spoonful, put it in your mouth, and
start reading. Focus on the negative aspects of the food, and they will soon outweigh the positive as-
pects. The result is that you won’t want to buy more ice cream next time you’re at the supermarket.
Making Healthy Eating More Appealing with NLP
The same goes for any food you like (but probably shouldn’t eat). And the reverse goes for food you
don’t like to eat (but probably should).
Let’s take celery, for example. Celery is great because it actually requires more calories to break it
down and process it than it contains.
Think about that. Every fresh, crisp piece of celery you bite off and chew, goes into your body and