NLP SECRETS: Upgrade Your Mind

(coco) #1

Eventually you will develop a genuine taste for celery. I have always liked celery, but since I used this
technique on olives I now consider them a delicious treat.

Going for a Run or Sitting in Front of The TV?

The exact same principle applies. To prefer exercise or energy-consuming activities over sedentary
activities, you need to rewire your brain a little bit. Again, this is entirely possible, and really not too
different from learning to pronounce a word I’ve been mispronouncing my entire life, thank you mino-

When you think “should I go exercise?” what is the first thing you picture? You picture yourself doing
the exercise in question, and asking yourself how you would feel doing that. The answer is probably
“I’d feel tired, I’d need to put in a lot of effort and energy, it seems a bit too much like hard work.”

No! Your brain doesn’t tell YOU how to think! YOU tell your BRAIN how to think!

Now think “should I go exercise?” and immediately picture yourself having achieved a specific goal. If
you don’t already have a goal, set one now.

Imagine you are looking at a YouTube clip of yourself in the future, the very moment you achieve that
goal. Click on “play video” and see the screen displaying your future self completing that goal for the
first time. Close up on your face, see your expression as you achieve that goal. Listen to your breathing
and see the sense of achievement spread across your face. Now step into the video and click “replay”.
Act it out in your mind - how does it feel?

How tempting does that exercise sound now?

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