NLP SECRETS: Upgrade Your Mind

(coco) #1

As in step one, roll the reasons into an overlapping highlight video. Make the video bold and vivid.
Make them loud, louder, almost uncomfortably loud. Sense the associated smells, physical feelings
and emotional feelings that go with them. Step into the video and increase the intensity further.

Reinforce the anchor of pressing your thumb into the hard surface, and play this video over and over
in your mind, at least five times. Each time the video plays, increase the size of the video, as if it’s on a
giant IMAX screen. Keep increasing the intensity of the colours, raising the volume, making the picture
bigger, brighter and closer and play it again. Continuously reinforce the anchor.

Do it now! Make it a real, painful event.

Step Four: Break the Cycle

What is that little alarm in your head that tells you that you feel like a cigarette? What happens? Do
you picture a cigarette and think “ah, that would feel good right now”? Or do you crave the tiny nico-
tine buzz? Whatever your call to smoking may be, every time it rings, remind yourself of the negative
anchor by pressing your left thumb into a hard surface. Do it so it hurts.

If you decide to go and have a cigarette anyway, use this time to replay your negative video during the
act of smoking. Press your thumb into a hard surface and really concentrate on the worst things about
smoking. Picture your future children asking why their parent is dying young, or a potential mate re-
fusing to be with you because of your dirty habit. Focus on all the negatives of smoking.

If you resist having a cigarette, take a huge, deep breath of fresh air. Breathe in through your nose
slowly, and out through your mouth. Do this very slowly and deeply, five times:

On the first breath pretend that you’re smoking a pure cigarette of oxygen. Suck it all in and enjoy it, as
if it was the first drag of the last cigarette on earth. Feel the temperature of the cool, pure air soothe
your lungs. As you breathe out, visualize all the toxins from your old smoking days being released and
flowing out of your body.

On the second breath imagine the pleasure of watching your children or grandchildren celebrate their
birthday with delicious cake.

On the third breath pick one special reason that is the most significant reason for you to stop smoking.
It should be a positive reinforcement, ie a reward that you will get for stopping smoking. Focus on that
reason as you breathe in, and feel your reward come to life as you breathe out.

On the fourth breath do the same, but make it more vivid and more real. Increase the size of the pic-
ture of your reward, and make the associated senses more intense.

On the fifth breath focus on how strong you feel for being able to withstand just one cigarette. The
most deadly drug on the planet is powerless against you. Appreciate your own strength and consider
this one small battle a win for you, and a step closer to the end of the war.

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