A Complete Guide to Web Design

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Using <meta> Tags 101


Using <meta> Tags

Web Design in a Nutshell, eMatter Edition

You can supplement the title and description of the document by providing a
list of comma-separated keywords that would be useful in indexing your

Identifies the author of the web page.

Identifies the copyright information for the document.

This tag was created as an alternative to therobots.txtfile and is mainly used
as a way to prevent your page from being indexed by search engine “spiders.”
It is not well supported, but some people like to include it anyway. The
content attribute can take the following values:index(the default),noindex
(prevents indexing),nofollow(prevents the search engine from following
links on the page), andnone (the same as setting"noindex, nofollow").

Other uses

This provides a method of rating the content of a web page to indicate its
appropriateness for kids. The four available ratings aregeneral,mature,
restricted, and14 years.

generator (orformatter for FrontPage)
Many HTML authoring tools add an indication of the name and version of the
creation tool. This is used by tools vendors to assess market penetration.

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