A Complete Guide to Web Design

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
154 Chapter 9 – Adding Images and Other Page Elements

Horizontal Rules

Web Design in a Nutshell, eMatter Edition

<script> NN:2, 3, 4 - MSIE:2, 3, 4, 5 - HTML 4 -WebTV- Opera3

Adds a script that is to be used in the document. See Chapter 22,Introduction to
JavaScript, for demonstrations of the use of the<script> tag.
type=content type
Specifies the language of the script. Its value must be a media type (ex. text/
javascript). This attribute is required by the HTML 4.0 specification and is a
recommended replacement for the "language" attribute.
Identifies the language of the script, such as JavaScript or VBScript. This
attribute has been deprecated by the HTML 4.0 Spec in favor of the "type"
Netscape only. Specifies the URL of an outside file containing the script to be
loaded and run with the document.

<spacer> NN:2, 3, 4 -MSIE: 2, 3, 4, 5- HTML 4- WebTV -Opera3

Holds a specified amount of blank space within the flow of a page. It is often used
to maintain space within table cells for correct display in Navigator.
Specifies the type of spacer:verticalinserts space between two lines of
text,horizontalinserts space between characters, andblockinserts a rect-
angular space.
Specifies a number of pixels to be used with averticalorhorizontal
Specifies height in number of pixels for ablock spacer.
Specifies width in pixels for ablock spacer.
Alignsblockspacer with surrounding text. Values are the same as for the
<img> tag.

Horizontal Rules

The simplest element you can add to a web page is a horizontal rule, plopped into
place with the<hr>tag. In most browsers, horizontal rules display by default as
an “embossed” shaded rule that extends across the full width of the browser
window (or available text space). Horizontal rules are used as simple dividers,
breaking an otherwise long scroll into manageable chunks.
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