from the world of books - Hot type”, The Times.
(32) Young, Bob (December 7, 2008). “Save face with a pet project”,
Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved on 2008-04-20.
(33) Douglas, Warren. Trade, E-Commerce on the Internet. Berkeley, 2007.
(35) Berger, Briget. Culture of Entrepreneurship. ICS Press, 2007.
(36) Pascale, Richard G. The Art of Digital Distribution. Warner, 2008.
(37) Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, court filing #
M-08- 2716
(39) Anderson, Elizabeth P. Second to None. Irwin, 2007.
(40) Gilson, Ronald J. The Legal Journal, Stanford, 2008.
(41) Morrison & Foerster, Chicago court filing # B-08- 742
(42) Grundfest, Joseph A. and Klausner, Michael. Stanford Business
Review, 06/2008.
(43) Filmbaby website acknowldgement (see Appendix 2)
Additional Reading
(1) Callahan, Dan. Issues on Ethics. Health Policy Review, January 2007.
(2) Bankman, Joseph. Corporate Governance and Practice, New York, 2008.
(3) Daines, Robert. Future Prospects of Legality, Duke: Duke
University Press, 2007.
(4) Becker, Anne. Professor of Medical Anthropology, Clinical Study
IV, B03308.
(5) Gilligan, Laura. Two Years After ” The Filmbaby Exodus, Dallas, 2008.
(6) Luke Paterson. “Making the Internet a Better Place” in Newsweek,
June 2006.
(7) Weizman, Isaac. Lawful Procedures in the 21st Century. NYU Press,
(8) Weizman, Isaac. Lawful Procedures in the 21st Century. NYU Press,
(9) Young, Tim. “Keeping it Safe “ in MIT Internet Security Anthology,
July 2008.
(10) Gould, Martin. Faster and Better. Chicago: Chicago Free Press, 2007.
(11) Torman, Bryan. “Banking Today” in Forbes Magazine 1/2008.
(12) Podinsky, Chris. “Powerselling on ” in New York Times, August 12,
(13) Wallace, Henry. The Countdown Divers. Edinburgh: Edinburgh New
Press, 2008.
(14) Windsor, Evan. Pressure, Visibilty & Credibility. Boston: MIT
Press, 2008.
(15) Pralait, George. “On-demand Yesterday, Today” in Sun-Times, March