A Complete Guide to Web Design

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
82 Chapter 5 – HTML Overview

Specifying Color in HTML

Web Design in a Nutshell, eMatter Edition

pink 255 - 192 - 203 FFC0CB FFCCCC
plum 221 - 160 - 221 DDA0DD CC99CC
powderblue 176 - 224 - 230 B0E0E6 CCFFFF
purple 128 - 0 - 128 800080 990099
red 255 - 0 - 0 FF0000 FF0000
rosybrown 188 - 143 - 143 BC8F8F CC9999
royalblue 65 - 105 - 225 4169E1 3366FF
saddlebrown 139 - 69 - 19 8B4513 993300
salmon 250 - 128 - 114 FA8072 FF9966
sandybrown 244 - 164 - 96 F4A460 FF9966
seagreen 46 - 139 - 87 2E8B57 339966
seashell 255 - 245 - 238 FFF5EE FFFFFF
sienna 160 - 82 - 45 A0522D 996633
silver 192 - 192 - 192 C0C0C0 CCCCCC
skyblue 135 - 206 - 235 87CEEB 99CCFF
slateblue 106 - 90 - 205 6A5ACD 6666CC
slategray 112 - 128 - 144 708090 669999
snow 255 - 250 - 250 FFFAFA FFFFFF
springgreen 0 - 255 - 127 00FF7F 00FF66
steelblue 70 - 130 - 180 4682B4 3399CC
tan 210 - 180 - 140 D2B48C CCCC99
teal 0 - 128 - 128 008080 009999
thistle 216 - 191 - 216 D8BFD8 CCCCCC^1
tomato 253 - 99 - 71 FF6347 FF6633
turquoise 64 - 224 - 208 40E0D0 33FFCC
violet 238 - 130 - 238 EE82EE FF99FF
wheat 245 - 222 - 179 F5DEB3 FFCCCC
white 255 - 255 - 255 FFFFFF FFFFFF
whitesmoke 245 - 245 - 245 F5F5F5 FFFFFF
yellow 255 - 255 - 0 FFFF00 FFFF00
yellowgreen 154 - 205 - 50 9ACD32 66CC33

(^1) These color names shift to the nearest Mac system palette color when viewed on a Macintosh
using any browser except Netscape Navigator 4.0 (which shifts it to the nearest Web Palette
Table 5-2: Color Names with their Numeric Values (continued)
Color Name RGB Values Hexadecimal
Nearest Web-safe

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