Game Design

(Elliott) #1

damaged by the monsters and that it will need new spark plugs to become functional
Traveling to the makeshift town where the guards’ families lived, the player at first
finds it oddly devoid of creatures, instead seeing a swarm of little girls come running
out and asking him strange questions. Suddenly these girls burst into flame and reveal
themselves to be the dangerous Inferna creatures. Subsequently the player meets
Ernesto, a guard from the prison who, immediately after the monsters arrived, ran to
the town to check on his wife and child, only to find them dead. Now he is angry, feels
his life is no longer worth living, and, armed with a machine gun, will help the player
battle whatever creatures they find. On the south edge of the town the player finds the
site where witch trials were conducted in the late 18th century, with the resulting
“witches” being burned alive.
While battling the neverending waves of Infernas that populate the town, the
player will find the spark plugs he needs scattered in various places, such as in a car, in a
lawn mower, and in the small general store that served the town, with Ernesto pointing
out places the player might look for them. With enough spark plugs, the player
attempts to return to the lighthouse, but finds he cannot go the way he came since an
avalanche has mysteriously collapsed on the road. Ernesto indicates that the only other
way back to the lighthouse is through a hidden cave system, which leads into the sizable
basement of the lighthouse.
Once back in the lighthouse, Torque is able to use the spark plugs in the generator,
move it into position, and get the lighthouse turned on again. He must then crank up
the lighthouse mirror and align its bulb before the Coast Guard informs him via a radio
that they are sending a ship in and that Torque should head down to the docks to meet
On the docks, the player hears a number of strange voices, saying things like
“Torque, you’re one of us,” “We brought you here to meet us,” and “Join us.” These
voices represent the collective evil presence of the island, a force which has been caus-
ing horrific acts to take place here for hundreds of years. As Torque hears the voices
coming from all sides, The Black One shows up and the player must battle him.
With The Black One defeated, the player’s final flashback is shown to him, reveal-
ing the nature of his crime, which changes depending on how the player treated the
friendly NPCs he encountered throughout the game. During the flashback, the player
hears more of the voices who, in the “good” ending, say that Torque is not who
they thought at all, while in the “bad” ending they point out “We told you you were one
of us....” With theflashback concluded, for the good and middle endings, a Coast Guard
skiff arrives and Torque gets on it to leave the island. For the bad ending, Torque is seen
transforming into a huge version of his beast form, and then walking back onto the
island to live among the other monsters.


At five distinct points in the game, the player will have a flashback to the events sur-
rounding the crime that landed him on death row. These flashbacks will be as jarring to
the player as they are to Torque, suddenly ripping him out of the gameplay as he slowly
remembers the details of this traumatic event. The first four will be generalized to all of
the multiple versions of the crime and will all be quite short (three seconds at most),

Appendix B: Sample Design Document:The Suffering 633

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