unarmed and thereby incapable of defending himself. He is familiar with many areas of
the prison and will be able to warn the player of impending threats, thus rewarding the
player for keeping him alive.
Luther is a large guard with a heavily muscle-bound physique who is extremely tough
and physically intimidating. A dark-skinned African-American originally from North-
east Washington, D.C., Luther has an extremely deep voice, though he speaks quietly
and with a slight stutter. Luther has a theory about what is happening on the island but
is fairly vague about it. Torque will hear him mutter various biblical references and
speak of the “end times.”
When the player comes across Luther in the prison’s guard tower, Luther has been
severely traumatized by witnessing the appearance of the horrific monsters that have
caused so much carnage around the prison. Luther is in a state of shock and is deathly
afraid of everything he encounters, including the player. The player will have to chase
after Luther and then try to talk to him for him to calm down. Once calm, Luther can be
set off again by anything, such as the appearance of another monster or even the player
firing his weapon, causing him to run screaming in terror once more. Once calm, how-
ever, Luther is extremely cogent and leads them to the radio room, explaining to
Torque that in order to get the radio working, he must collect parts from the asylum.
Unfortunately, when the player returns to the radio room significantly later, he finds
that Luther has been hideously slaughtered by a Cartwheeler creature. The player
finds Luther dead with a Cartwheeler’s blades sticking through him, though the
Cartwheeler has apparently been killed by a fire axe that Luther had obtained, which is
buried in its body. It appears that Luther finally stopped being afraid of the monsters
and, in his final action, defended the radio from the Cartwheeler’s attempt to destroy it.
Appendix B: Sample Design Document:The Suffering 637