Forest Products, Livelihoods and Conservation

(Darren Dugan) #1
Patrick Omeja, Joseph Obua and Anthony B. Cunningham 175

Drum making has also provided gainful employment to local people, hence
contributing to social stability. In particular it has helped to reduce rural exodus
and associated social problems, which in turn has reinforced family cohesion
and stability.
In addition, drum making has helped strengthen the cultural traditions for
both individuals and society. Drum makers in Mpigi supply drums to the National
Theatre in Kampala. Primary and postprimary schools participating in national
cultural festivals buy the drums. As a result drum making offers an opportunity
for cultural self-examination and awareness and preserves local culture. The
cultural aspect of the drums inherently helps the government in its policy to
make culture accessible as ‘living and evolving tradition’. Through drums the
promotion of cultural activities and collection and distribution of cultural
information adds to positive cultural identity, enhances national identity,
national building and international co-operation.

The resource base
Drum making is based on extraction and processing of stems of softwood species
since timber harvesters have depleted the desired hardwoods in the 1980s,
when there was a breakdown in law and order. Utilisation of softwoods implies
that there are few competing uses for the resource. Although many species can
be carved into drums, wood qualities of a relatively small range of species have
favoured only a few species over others (Table 1). In the past, special types of
drums for the kabaka were made exclusively from muvule (Milicia excelsa)
trees (Lush 1935), while other drums were, and still are, made from other suitable
timbers depending on the size of drum and the quality of the wood.

Scientific name Local or Family
Luganda name
Alstonia boonei Musoga Apocynaceae
Antiaris toxicaria Kirundu Moraceae
Bosquiea phoberos Mugwii Moraceae
(Trilepsium madagascariensis)
Canarium schweinfurthii* Muwawu Burseraceae
Cordia africana* Mukebu Boraginaceae
Cordia millenii* Mukebu Boraginaceae
Erythrina excelsa Bajangabo Leguminosae
Ficus exasperata Luwawu Moraceae
Ficus natalensis Mutuba Moraceae
Ficus mucuso Kabalira Moraceae
Ficus sur Kabalira Moraceae
Ficus sycomorous Mukunyu Moraceae
Funtumia africana Nkago Apocynaceae
Maesopsis eminii* Musizi Rhamnaceae
Milicia excelsa* Muvule Moraceae
Morus mesozygia* Mukoge Moraceae
Musanga cecropioides Namaguro Moraceae
Polycias fulva Setala Araliaceae

Table 1. Tree species used in the drum making industry

* Reserved species occurring in some parts as pure stands.
Source: Samula 2001.

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