Forest Products, Livelihoods and Conservation

(Darren Dugan) #1
210 The Pterocarpus angolensis DC. based woodcraft industry in the Bushbuckridge district

Botanical name Common name Major uses Conservation status

Pterocarpus Kiaat Bowls, spoons, Protected
angolensis plates, trays,
Dalbergia Black ivory/ Small dishes, Threatened
melanoxylon zebrawood spoons, throughout
walking sticks, the region, scarce
candles sticks,
small tables
Berchemia Red ivory Walking sticks, Scarce
zeyheri spoons,
forks, bowls, eggs,
small tables
Olea europea Wild olive Spoons, small bowls, Protected, scarce
ssp. africana eggs, walking sticks,
small tables
Spirostachys Tamboti Trays, furniture, Protected
africana walking sticks
Apodytes White pear Walking sticks, Protected
dimidiata batons, eggs
Combretum Lead wood Furniture, Protected
imberbe Wawra walking sticks,
plates and boards
Acacia Flame thorn Teaspoons Common
ataxacantha DC.
Breonadia Matumi Bowls, spoons, Limited
microcephala small tables
(Delile) Ridsd.
Terminalia Silver cluster leaf Furniture, trays, Common
sericea spoons, bowls
Burch. Ex DC.
Dombeya rotundifolia Wild pear Spoons Common
Schotia Weeping boer bean Walking sticks Limited
brachypetala Sonder
Acacia Knob thorn Candle sticks, Common
nigrescens Oliver spoons
Albizia versicolor Poison-pod albizia Mortar and pestles Common
Welw. Ex Oliver
Sclerocarya birrea Marula Stools, animals Common
(A. Rich.) Hochst
Dichrostachys cinerea Sickle bush Spoons, forks, Common and a bush
(L.) Wight & Arn. bowls encroacher
Jacaranda Jacaranda Bowls, spoons, Exotic and invasive
mimosifolia animals

Table 3. Species used by woodworkers in Bushbuckridge and their main uses

Note: Species are listed in order of frequency of use.
Sources: Shackleton 1993, Newton 1998.

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