Phosiso Sola 253
Craft production
Approximately 93% of all the community members have at one time or another
participated in palm activities (Sola 1998). As a result, palm craft sales,
especially mats, brooms, and baskets are ranked third as sources of household
income by women palm producers (ENDA 1993; Sola 1998; MWG 2000). However,
the proportions of cash income from palm sales were different for men and
women. According to the Mabalauta Working Group, receipts from palm-related
products make up 7.6% of the men’s income and 19.6% of the women’s.
Sola’s (1998) study suggested that about 60% of the households in the ward
are involved in basket making and made an income of US$14.80 per year.
However, Xini households generated US$81.82 on average during that year. An
assessment made in 2001 reveals that incomes from the basketry industry
Figure 3. Proportions of Xini households engaged in particular livelihood
activities during 1998 (%, n = 54)
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