Forest Products, Livelihoods and Conservation

(Darren Dugan) #1
Louis Defo 293

Classes ofdiametreLarge Small Small Large Small SmallSmall Small

Traditional usesManufacture of baskets, hoods,racks, furniture; feeding;medicine (against intestinal andstomach pains)Making of baskets, racks,furniture; building of houses,hutsMaking of baskets, racks,furniture; building of houses,hutsManufacture of baskets; ofbuilding houses, hutsToothbrushToothbrushManufacture of baskets and hoodsManufacture of baskets, racks,furniture; building of houses, huts

Main modern usesMaking of furniture, transportation,preservation and presentation objectsMaking of furniture, transportation,preservation and presentation objects,services or ornamental objectsMaking of furniture, transportation,preservation and presentation objects,services or ornamental objectsMaking of furniture, transportation,preservation and presentation objects,services or ornamental objectsNone NoneAlmost noneMaking of furniture, transportation,preservation and presentation objects,services or ornamental objects

Level ofmarketingVery high Very highAverage VeryinsignificantNon-existentNon-existentNon-existentVery small orabsurdly low

Table 1.

Mains species and known rattan uses in the region of Yaoundé

Sources: Field work of the author; Béné 1994; Nzooh Dongmo 1995; Mba Enyougou 1996.

Species’ scientificnamesLaccosperma secundiflorum(P. Beauv.)


Laccosperma robustum(Burr.) J. Dransf.Eremospatha macrocarpa(G. Mann.& H. Wendl.) H.Wendl.Eremospatha wendlandianaDammer ex Becc.Oncocalamus mannii(Wendl.) Wendl.Eremospatha hookeri(G. Mann & H. Wendl.)H. Wendl.Eremospatha spLaccosperma opacum(G. Mann & H. Wendl.) DrudeCalamus deëratusG. Mann & H. Wendl.

Species’ localnames (Ewondo)Ékè,ekaye, nkanNlong Nlong Ébori Pepac, akwasPepac, akwasMekossiNding

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