Forest Products, Livelihoods and Conservation

(Darren Dugan) #1
Louis Defo 301

Figure 5. Distribution of annual monetary revenue of rural households in seven
villages in the Yaoundé region

Rattan processing
Rattan harvested from forests of the region is processed (preparation of the
rattan and manufacture of objects) in processing units (PUs) in rural areas, in
secondary cities and especially in Yaoundé. This national metropolis polarises
the greatest part of commercialised rattan and constitutes the main centres
of rattan craftsmanship with about 120 PUs and 272 persons directly involved
(proprietors, employees, pieceworkers, apprentices and family help or
assistance). This is why in this section, we are going to base our presentation
almost exclusively on craftsmanship in Yaoundé.

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