Forest Products, Livelihoods and Conservation

(Darren Dugan) #1
332 Sport hunting of elephant in Zimbabwe: a case study of Kanyurira Ward in Guruve district


Table A1. Estimation of the value of one elephant (Kanyurira)

Total Total Trophy Percent Actual Estimated Income Income
daily Trophy fee of daily daily rate - gross value of to RDC to producer
rates fees for rate -ex ex elephant an elephant (40% of ward (70% of
(US$) (US$) elephant elephant (US$) (US$) gross income
income) to RDC)
3,598 12,980 10,500 81% 2,911 13,411 5,364 3,755
13,300 20,200 10,600 52% 6,979 17,576 7,030 4,921

14,400 21,000 10,500 50% 7,200 17,700 7,080 4,956

Mean value of an elephant 16,229 6,491 4,544

Table A2. Estimate of global market for the sport hunting of elephant
Country CITES CITES Calculated Gross value Assuming 75%
quota markets average of quota
(animals) share value hunted
Botswana 180 21% 16,229 2,921,220 2,190,915
Cameroon 80 10% 16,229 1,298,320 973,740
Mozambique 10 1% 16,229 162,290 no hunting
Namibia 75 9% 16,229 1,217,175 912,881

South Africa 43 5% 16,229 697,847 523,385

Tanzania 50 6% 16,229 811,450 608,587
Zimbabwe 400 48% 16,229 6,491,600 4,868,700

838 100% 13,599,902 10,078,209

18sporthunting.P65 332 22/12/2004, 11:05

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