The rhs is a total time derivative only if∂L/∂t= 0, namely the Lagrangian hasno explicit
time dependence. Assuming this to be the case, we see thatX=L, the associated conserved
charge is readily computed, and found to be the Hamiltonian,
piq ̇i−L (9.10)
which is what we expect: energy conservation results from time translation invariance.
9.3 Group and Lie algebra structure of classical symmetries
Transformations that permute the elements of a set form a group, which is generally a
subgroup of the full permutation group of the set in question. Generally, symmetry transfor-
mations act as permutations on the space of all solutions of an equation, and therefore also
form a group. It is actually in this context that groups were first discovered by Galois in
his study of the behavior of solutions to polynomial equations underpermutations of these
Continuous symmetries depend differentiably on parameters and generally form Lie groups,
while their infinitesimal versions form Lie algebras. This may be seen asfollows. Suppose a
given Lagrangian system has two infinitesimal transformationsδ 1 qk(t) andδ 2 qk(t), both of
which generate infinitesimal symmetries with associated conservedchargesC 1 andC 2 , both
of which are conserved. The sum of the two infinitesimal transformationsδ 1 qk(t) +δ 2 qk(t)
is then also a symmetry with associated conserved chargeC 1 +C 2. But furthermore, as is
characteristic of a Lie algebra, there is an antisymmetriccommutatorof transformations
δ 1
δ 2 qk(t)
−δ 2
δ 1 qk(t)
which also produces a symmetry, with associated conserved charge{C 1 ,C 2 }. To see this, we
work out the composition rule in terms of Poisson brackets, using the fact thatδaqk(t) =
{qk(t),Ca}, and we find,
δ 1
δ 2 qk(t)
−δ 2
δ 1 qk(t)
C 1 ,{C 2 ,qk(t)}
C 2 ,{C 1 ,qk(t)}
{C 1 ,C 2 },qk(t)
The last line was obtained from the first by the use of the Jacobi identity which always holds
for the Poisson bracket.
As a final remark, the chargesC, discussed above always generate transformations of
the system, even if these transformations are not necessarily symmetries. For example, in a
mechanical system with degrees of freedomqkandpℓfork,ℓ= 1, 2 ,3 and canonical Poisson
brackets{qk,pℓ}=δkℓ, the (orbital) angular momentum generator, defined by
εakℓqkpℓ (9.13)