will always generate rotations
εaℓmqm (9.14)
whether or not rotations are actually a symmetry of a certain Lagrangian or not.
9.4 Symmetries in Quantum Physics
In quantum mechanics, the (only) quantities that can be measuredare the eigenvalues of
observables, and the probabilities for one state to overlap with another state. A transfor-
mation in quantum mechanics is a linear (or anti-linear for time reversal) map from the
Hilbert spaceHinto itself. A quantum mechanical symmetry must preserve the outcome
of all observations, and hence must leave all probabilities unchanged. In the case of linear
transformations, we must have the following transformation law onstates,
|φ〉→|φ′〉=g|φ〉 〈ψ′|φ′〉=〈ψ|g†g|φ〉=〈ψ|φ〉
|ψ〉→|ψ′〉=g|ψ〉 g†g=I (9.15)
Thus, to be a symmetry, a linear transformation must be unitary. On observables, the action
ofgis by conjugation,
A→A′=g†Ag (9.16)
Sincegis unitary, the set of all eigenvalues (i.e. the spectrum) ofA′exactly coincides with
the set of all eigenvalues ofA.
From the above point of view, all unitary transformations are candidates to be sym-
metries, as they represent a general change of orthonormal basis in Hilbert space. Certain
authors (see Weinberg, volume I) indeed leave the definition of a symmetry this general.
Once the dynamics of the system is further determined by a Hamiltonian, however, it be-
comes more natural to have a more dynamics-related definition of symmetry. Dynamics may
be formulated either in the Schr ̈odinger or in the Heisenberg pictures, and a symmetry then
operates as follows. In either case, we shall assume that we perform a unitary transformation
gwhich hasno explicit time dependence.
In the Schr ̈odinger picture, any state|φ(t)〉satisfying the Schr ̈odinger equation with the
HamiltonianH, is transformed to a stateg|φ(t)〉which must satisfy the Schr ̈odinger equation
for the same Hamiltonian. As a result, we must have for all states|φ(t)〉,
i ̄h
|φ(t)〉 = H|φ(t)〉
i ̄h
= H