3.2 Linear operators on Hilbert space
A linear operator (or simply operator)AonHis a linear map fromHtoH. Its action on
a state|φ〉∈His denoted as follows,
A|φ〉=|Aφ〉 (3.24)
Successive application of operators involves taking products of operators. The product of op-
erators is generally associative,A(BC) = (AB)C=ABC, but is not generally commutative,
allowing forAB 6 =BA.
3.2.1 Operators in finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces
Every linear operatorAon anN-dimensional Hilbert spaceHis equivalent to anN×N
matrix, whose entriesAmnmay be obtained as matrix elements in a given basis, such as the
orthonormal basis{|n〉}n=1,···,Nconstructed earlier,
Amn=〈m|A|n〉 〈m|n〉=δmn (3.25)
The product of operators maps to matrix multiplication. IfAmnandBmnare the matrix
elements of the operatorsAandBin a certain orthonormal basis{|n〉}ofH, then the matrix
elements (AB)mnof the productABare analogously defined by (AB)mn=〈m|AB|n〉. Upon
inserting the completeness relation betweenAandB, we find,
AmpBpn (3.26)
which is nothing but the rule of matrix multiplication. The product is associative and
generally non-commutative. There is an identity operatorIH which is represented by the
unit matrix. A Hermitian operator is represented by a Hermitian matrixA†=A, whose
matrix elements satisfy
Amn=A∗nm (3.27)
for allm,n= 1,···,N, while a unitary operatorUis defined to satisfyU†U=I.
3.2.2 Operators in infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces
When the dimension ofHis infinite, a linear operator may not be well-defined on all elements
ofH, but only on adense subset, which is referred to as thedomainD(A) of the operator
A. Take for example the Hilbert spaceL^2 , and consider the linear operatorDwhich acts as
follows on the states|n〉,
D|n〉=n|n〉 n∈N (3.28)