equation with〈n|,
ih ̄
cn(t) =〈n|H|ψ(t)〉=
〈n|H|m〉cm(t) (5.3)
To obtain the second equality, we have inserted the identity operator, represented as a sum
over the basis,I=
The simplest non-trivial Hamiltonian for a 1-dimensional periodic lattice retains only the
effects of nearest neighbors in the lattice. For example, given thatan electron is initially
on site|n〉with probability 1, it is natural to include only the simplest effects, namely that
there must be some probability for the electron the remain on site|n〉, and some probability
to move the electron from site|n〉to its nearest neighboring sites |n+ 1〉or|n− 1 〉. The
simplest choice is such that
〈n|H|n〉 = A 0
〈n|H|n± 1 〉 = −A 1 (5.4)
where bothA 0 andA 1 are real, and all other matrix elements are zero. It is convenient to
write the Hamiltonian as follows,
H=A 0 I−A 1 T−A 1 T† (5.5)
whereIis the identity operator, andT, andT†are given by
|n+ 1〉〈n| T†=
|n〉〈n+ 1| (5.6)
and where we continue to use the periodicity|N+ 1〉=| 1 〉of the lattice.
5.1.1 Diagonalizing the translation operator
The operatorT has a remarkably simple interpretation, which may be gathered by applying
Tto an arbitrary state
T|n〉 = |n+ 1〉 n= 1,···,N− 1
T|N〉 = | 1 〉 (5.7)
Clearly,T translates the system by one lattice spacing forward, andT†=T−^1 translates
it backwards by one lattice spacing. As a result, we have TN = I. Since [H,T] = 0,
translations are a symmetry of the Hamiltonian, as the physical picture indeed suggests.
It also means that the operatorsH andT may be diagonalized simultaneously. Since the