The norms ofJ±|j,m±〉were already computed earlier, and thus require that
λ(j)−m+(m++ 1) = 0
λ(j)−m−(m−−1) = 0 (5.97)
Eliminatingλ(j) gives a relation directly betweenm+andm−, (m++m−)(m+−m−+1) = 0.
Since we have m+−m− ≥ 0, the second parenthesis never vanishes, and we must have
m−=−m+. We assumed that the quantum system was irreducible, so that forgivenj, all
states with differentmare mapped into one another underJ±. Thus, successively applying
J−to|j,m+〉must ultimately yield the state|j,m−〉. Since the number of timesJ−is being
applied is of clearly an integer, we must have thatm+−m−= 2m+is a positive or zero
integer. We definejto be this integer or half-integerj≡m+, so that
λ(j) =j(j+ 1) 2 j+ 1∈N (5.98)
The integer 2j+ 1 is the dimension of the Hilbert space Hj for this irreducible quantum
system, since the number of basis vectors|j,m〉withm=−j,−j+ 1,−j+ 2,···,j− 1 ,jis
precisely 2j+ 1. For later convenience, we list the matrix elements of all the operators,
J^2 |j,m〉 = j(j+ 1) ̄h^2 |j,m〉
J 3 |j,m〉 = mh ̄|j,m〉
J+|j,m〉 =
(j−m)(j+m+ 1) ̄h|j,m+ 1〉
J−|j,m〉 =
(j−m+ 1)(j+m) ̄h|j,m− 1 〉 (5.99)
5.8 The Coulomb problem
The Coulomb problem involves a single mobile charged particle in the electro-static poten-
tial of a fixed central charge. In Hydrogen-like atoms, for example, the fixed charge is a
nucleus and the mobile charge is an electron. The Coulomb potential isthen attractive and
produces bound states. But it also covers systems in which the mobile charge is a proton or
a positron, so that no bound states exist. For the time being, effects of spin are neglected.
The Schr ̈odinger equation for the Coulomb problem with chargesq 1 andq 2 is given by,
2 m
∆ψE(r) +
q 1 q 2
ψE(r) =EψE(r) (5.100)
As for any spherically symmetric problem, we work in spherical coordinatesr,θ,φ, in terms
of which the Laplace operator takes the form,
∆ =
̄h^2 r^2