formulation. A second is via thefunctional or path integralwhich directly produces prob-
ability amplitudes from a classical mechanics system in the Lagrangianformulation; this
method will be discussed in the next section.
Let the classical mechanics system be given by a HamiltonianH(q,p) on a phase space
qi,pj, withi,j= 1,···,N,
{qi,pj}=δi,j a ̇(q,p) ={a,H} (6.26)
The correspondence principle states that, to this classical system, there corresponds a quan-
tum system with the following observables,
classical variable Quantum Observable
qi → Qi
pi → Pi
a(p,q) → A(P,Q)
{a,b} → −
[A,B] (6.27)
In particular, the classical Hamiltonian has a quantum counterpartH(P,Q), and the Poisson
bracket relations betweenqiandpjbecome the canonical commutation relations,
[Qi,Pj] =i ̄hδi,j [Qi,Qj] = [Pi,Pj] = 0 (6.28)
The correspondence principle maps the Hamilton time-evolution equations into the Schr ̈odinger
equation for observables, i.e. given in the Heisenberg formulation,
i ̄h
A= [A,H] +i ̄h
A (6.29)
The evolution operator may be used to translate the Heisenberg formulation into the Schr ̈odinger
6.4 Schr ̈odinger equation with a scalar potential
In the usualposition realizationof the canonical commutation relations, given by
Qi=qi Pi=−i ̄h
the Hilbert space is that of of square integrable functions ofqi. The simplest non-relativistic
classical mechanical systems, given in terms of a potentialV(q), with Hamiltonian,
H(q,p) =
2 m
+V(q) (6.31)