histoy G-10 E

(Sachin1122) #1
There were several cases heard only by the king.

Cases regarding important leaders Cases regarding temples and monks

Cases regarding riots Cases regarding treason

Cases regarding conspiracies / coups

Some of the punishments administered to the convicts at that time.

Beating Expelling to gypsy groups

Fining Drowning

Keeping in the Dandu Kanda Banishing

Cutting hair Whipping

Killing by trampling upon by elephants Thrashing with Ipala


8.3 Economic System

It was an agricultural economy that existed during the Kandyan kingdom.

■ It was a consumer based one.

■ The economy was a self-sufficient one.

■ Since there were many hilly areas, lands for paddy cultivation were limited.

■ Though the Kandyan possessed the same administration as in ancient Raja Rata and Ruhun areas,

agriculture was limited due to the decline of irrigation.

■ In the precipices on the steeps of the mountains paddy cultivation was done.

■ A large quantity of land in the Kandyan kingdom was used for Chena cultivation.

■ Grains such as Kurakkan, Amu, maize, wheat and yams and sweet potatoes were cultivated.

■ Jak, bread fruit, pepper, cardamom, aricanuts, vegetables and fruits were grown in home gardens.

■ Iron, wood, metal, lacquer and reed industry were in a developed state.

■ Animal husbandry too was done for agriculture and getting milk.

■ Food needs were satisfied by supplementary crops.

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