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(Sachin1122) #1

9. Renaissance


The word Renaissance means rebirth. The
historians use this word to mean the wide
transformation that took place in the fields of
art and science from the 14th to 16th centuries
A.D. in Europe.

The period in which ancient Greek and
Roman civilizations existed is called the
Pristine age in the history of Europe. The
period of around thousand years that followed
the downfall of ancient Rome civilization in
the 5th century is called the mediaeval period
in Europe. Once again an interest grew in
studying literature, art and philosophy that
existed in the ancient Greek and Roman
civilizations in the latter part of the mediaeval
era in Europe. As a result of it, the European
society experienced a broad transformation
as the Europeans utilized the art styles that
were used in the ancient Greek and Roman
civilizations once again and tended to study
literature and philosophy in depth. By this,
the above mentioned ancient civilizations
were revived. It is called the Renaissance. Due
to the transformations that occurred during
the Renaissance in every field, the mediaeval
period died out and the modern era of the
European history started.

9.1 The Reasons for the Renaissance

 Surrendering the city of Constantinople by
the Turks

Constantinople, which was a very advanced
trade city during the final part of the mediaeval
era, attracted the attention of the scholars. The
Greek and Roman literature books were stored
in libraries in the city of Contantinople and a
number of Greek and Roman scholars were
engaged in studying there. But, the Islamic
Turks surrendered this city in 1453 A.D. and
therefore, the Roman Catholic scholars found it
difficult to stay in the city any longer. Therefore,
these scholars fled to other European countries
with those books and propagated the Greek
and Roman literature and languages in those
cities. As a result, the Greek and Roman cultures

 Growth in Trade and Origin of a New Group
of Rich

There was a growth of trade and commercial
affairs between the Eastern and Western
countries in the 12th century A.D. Therefore,
a new group of rich people originated in the
cities like Venice and Genoa in Italy with the
money they earned from trade, production and
bank affairs. Since these wealthy people did not
depend on the ancient feudal nobles, they had a
free mind to pay their attention to artistic work
and also a financial power to support it. As there
were a number of small kingdoms in Italy then,
the wealthy people who live in them offered to
support artistic affairs. It was a predominant
reason for the origin of the Renaissance from
Italy. The family called Medici who lived in the
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