remedies for them. He made a great influence on
the modern pharmacology and the methods of
treating illnesses.
Michael Certes (Swiss)
He discovered information on the process of
spreading blood throughout the body after being
purified by lungs after coming into it from the
heart and going out through the right side of the
Johannes Gutenberg (German)
The German national Johannes Gutenberg
invented the printing machine.
The Political Revival
During the feudal period ruling of each region
was assigned to provincial rulers. The land-
owning aristocrats acted as provincial rulers.
As they acted independently, they enjoyed more
powers than the king in the administrative
affairs. As the people then lived were under each
provincial ruler, they just thought of themselves
as the people of their own province but did not
act as one nation in one country.
The origination of national states during
the Renaissance was the most significant
transformation experienced in the field of
politics. The separate provincial states were
united under one king. Therefore, the king
was significant in administrative affairs and all
powers centered on the king.
A middle class originated with the growth of trade
affairs in the12th century. The middle class was
those who became rich by earning money from
the trade by then. Traders, bankers, ship-owners,
and caravan owners belonged to the middle class.
When the middle class became more powerful in
the society, the land-owning aristocrats started
to lose the powers and the rights that they
enjoyed so far. The kings in the national states
obtained the assistance of these middle class
representatives in the administrative affairs. The
middle class gained the royal assistance for their
trade affairs.
Economic Revival
A broad transformation occurred in Europe
during the Renaissance. The self sufficient
economy in the mediaeval age declined and
a growth of trading happened in this period.
After the national states originated in Europe,
the governments extended their direct support
to widen the trade affairs. For that, national
trade policies and national tax policies were
implemented in the European countries. Further,
as a result of explorations, new sea routes were
discovered and it helped the Europeans to
travel to the East and the American continent.
Therefore, they could take the trade commodities
and items such as, spices, gold, silver, pearls,
gems, elephants, and tusks to Europe. Through
this their trading developed.
With the widening of trade affairs, the usage of
currency increased. Using monetary notes and
coins spread. As it was difficult and insecure in
taking money to distant areas for transactions,
exchange of cheques and banking system started
during the Renaissance. Further, the banks
supplied loan facilities to businessmen for their
commercial affairs.
Discovery of New Trade Routes
With the capture of the city of Constantinople
by the Turks in 1453 A.D, the trade affairs in the
East and West of the Europeans were disturbed.
All trade routes by sea and land came under the
Turks’ empire. Therefore, the Europeans tended
to find new sea routes to reach Asia to gain Asian
By this time a conducive background to explore
new sea routes was setting in Europe. That is,