histoy G-10 E

(Sachin1122) #1

Fig 2.8. Several pits for pillars which belonged to a rectangular foundation of a hut. This was discovered in the excavations
made in the old interior city of Anuradhapura. (The photograph is by the courtesy of the Archaeological Department).

Factors that Influenced the Expansion of

One of the major factors that affected the
expansion of ancient settlements was the
geophysical background. The elements such as
the rate of annual rainfall, nature of the soil, geo
diversity, expansion of natural resources and the
drainage etc. are prominent within this factor.

The settlements in the early historical period
spread in the areas where there was a dry climatic

condition. The areas where there is an annual
rainfall between 1000 – 1250 ml is called the
dry zone and the areas where there is an annual
rainfall less than 1000 ml is called the arid zone.
Though it was difficult to receive sufficient
amount of water for agriculture during the
entire year, the early settlements expanded in
the dry zone because of its fertile soil. The red

  • brown soil which is spread mostly in the dry
    zone is extremely good for agriculture. There
    were two ways in which these areas received
    water for agricultural activities; the major one

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